Thursday, March 16, 2023

Creation Moment 3/17/2023 - Why Darwinian Rage?

Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1

" You can often tell who is wrong by looking for the one who wants to cancel you
In our attempts at civil dialogue with Darwinists on Twitter, their
arguments often go like this:
  • You guys don’t understand evolutionary theory.
  • You guys don’t understand science.
  • Sorry that Science offends your sky god.
  • What kind of idiot doesn’t understand that evolution is a fact?....
 ........there is something inherent in the Darwinian worldview that makes its adherents nasty. 
---Maybe it is the feeling of escape from thoughts of personal accountability to a Creator, 
---or some imagined fear that creationists are trying to destroy science, 
---or disgust with a religious upbringing that hindered their freedom to sin, or something else. 
But they often approach the dialogue from a position of rage."