Wednesday, February 1, 2023

On the Streets of Babylon: Word on the Street is...Rihanna?

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be "Rihanna talk" on the Streets of Babylon...
"While fictitious first-person accounts of going to hell that are sold
as fact don’t seem to have quite as much popularity as heaven accounts, especially in evangelical circles these days (Dante’s Inferno seems to have permanently cornered the market), a tale of temporary “hell tourism” occasionally goes viral. Word of Faith Pastor Gerald Johnson of Faith Culture Church recently released a video interview, where he recounted his alleged descent into hell in 2016, an encounter that he alleges took place 22 years after the start of his ministry.
 I thought that I was having a heart attack, and I physically… my spirit left my physical body and I thought that I was going upward, but because I thought I had done so much good in this lifetime and helped so many people, and made so many decisions that were Godly decisions, but um as opposed to me going up, I went down, and I went literally into literally into the center of the earth and that’s where hell is. Jesus even said that in the scriptures.
Johnson goes on to claim that there is music played by demons to torment the occupants of hell. Apparently, in Johnson’s version of hell, people are tortured with terrible versions of worldly songs that they enjoyed on earth. 
He specifically mentions hearing Umbrella by Rihanna." Protestia