Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Dangers of the Path of an "allegorical" of Genesis

"Men can be on their guard against an open enemy, but the insidious foe that comes under the guise of friendship, can destroy the strongest. 
So the rantings of the atheist may make no impression, but the teachings of one virtually repudiating the very groundwork of the Bible while professing reverence for it, cannot fail to lead some astray. 
In the article noticed, the following passage occurred: 
The essential truths in the first chapters of Genesis are the religious truths, and these are unaffected by the question whether the story is to be regarded as purely historical, or partially allegorical and parabolic. 
..... the first chapters of Genesis have not the appearance of an allegory,....The plan of redemption can be no more extensive than the fall, and if this is allegorical, that must certainly be. 
Then the prophecies of David and Isaiah concerning Christ are of no
account. The statement of the angel concerning Jesus, 
Matthew 1 
21 You shall call His name JESUS; for He shall save His people from their sins, –must be a myth also; for if the story of the fall of man be not true, there is no such thing as sin, and consequently no need of a Savior." E.G. Waggoner