Saturday, February 25, 2023

Dangers of "Progressive" Adventism SERIES Dripping from their Cyberpens: God through the Lens of Pachamama?

But there were false prophets also among the people, 
even as there shall be false teachers among you, 
who privily shall bring in damnable heresies
even denying the Lord that bought them...
A man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject;
2 Peter 2:1/ Titus 3:10
Ripped from the Cyberpen of Hanz Gutierrez at Spectrum Magazine (2/9/2023)...a psuedo-Adventist journal

"Christian eschatology and its secularized twin, Western eschatology, are in deep crisis today. So, too, is Adventist eschatology, which is a legitimate, even if rebellious, child of them. The differences, contrasts, and apparent alternatives are only quantitative and on-the-surface. In substance, eschatology is always hope-generating, and faced with this essential and qualifying fact, contemporary eschatologies are chronically deficient. Paradoxically, the mechanism that has blocked them is an obsession with order, a typical Moloch of modern.....
Blah, Blah, Blah....gobbly gook psycho-babel ALWAYS accompanies their writing.... 

"And the future, as preached by Adventism today, is likewise the product of theological and prophetic calculations, projections, and inferences that try to detach themselves from real people in order to privilege salvation programs, initiatives, and strategies."
There it is....their disdain for the Biblical Doctrines of the Church, slammed under the guise of pseudo-intellectual sounding barbs that IF you (obviously) care about  the prophecy (and it's calculations) that somehow you don't care about people. 
"But is such a future still a future? Is it the bearer and generator of hope? Not according to Reinhart Koselleck. He says our future is actually a vergangene zukunft, a "past future," which is already born old and does not create novelty and open new horizons. It is a fearful, self-focused future that only knows how to compulsively extend forward the known present."
More pseudo-intellectual sounding babel based on a worldly source Reinhart Koselleck....these self ordained "Progressives" almost never quote Scripture, as is the case in this article of theirs.

"Christian eschatology must therefore be an eschatology of "good."
Moreover, its evangelical matrix compels it to be so; an "Eu-escatology" is an eschatology of the good and the grace announced to all. This I tried to show through a connection with the parallel Peruvian concept of "Suma Qamaña," which means "living well," having a “good life.” And living well is always coexisting, coliving with others. It has nothing to do with individualistic, self-referential virtuous living or survival.....
Again, their focus is drawn from the secular world ("Peruvian concept of "Suma Qamaña,") and not from Scripture then used as an excuse to dismiss Biblical Eschatology as not good---for the writer calls for an Eschatology that IS "good"...therefore one can logically deduce they think our current Eschatology is not.
"But now I wish to consider a second category of Andean cosmo-vision that can help restore Adventist eschatology: "Pachamama." ...t is an experiential look at the end, as experience must ultimately be every confessional locus, with conviction but without definitive and absolute accents. Every confessional look at the end is called to be moderate, to produce testimony, not proof....Pachamama is the name of a goddess representing earth, worshiped by the Andean people. In Inca mythology, she is a "Mother Earth" goddess, thus a fertility goddess who presides over planting and harvesting, embodying the mountains but also the plains. She is an ever-present and independent deity who has her own creative power to sustain life on this earth. Her shrines are sacred rocks or legendary tree trunks, and artists see her as an adult woman carrying crops of potatoes and coca leaves. The four Quechua cosmological principles—water,
earth, sun, and moon—claim Pachamama as their main origin. Pachamama represents the earth, not just geological earth or nature but everything as a whole. It is not located in a specific place. It includes springs, streams, rivers, the sea. It is an immediate and everyday deity, acting through a close presence with whom one converses, asking for support or forgiveness for some offense committed against the earth and all that it offers us. She is not a creator deity but a protector and provider; she protects human beings, makes life possible, and promotes fertility and fecundity."
Observe now they turn to literal Paganism of Pachamama....that belief system that Pope Francis got into hot water over when he took one of their pagan idols back to Rome and set up in a church. The one where offended parishiners took and threw into the river. YES, THESE SELF-ORDAINED "PROGRESSIVES" HAVE NO SPIRITUAL SHAME. They now openly admit in Cyberspace to preferring paganism and spiritualism, to Scripture. 
"Resizing the ubiquitous category of history and time. It is only when space and therefore Pachamama is recognized in its foundational value that the view of time is automatically rebalanced. In the Bible itself, the category of history is not absolute...."
Well, there you have it. ...from their own Cyberpen..."the Bible itself, the category of history is not .absolute..." These people are so spiritually dead they don't even see it through the mysticism that clouds their eyes.
"Valuing Pachamama cannot take place without a change in
theological and cultural language. Precise analytical verbiage makes Pachamama into lifeless, inert earth—sand and rocks. Rational language must give way to symbolic, poetic, and mythical expressiveness. Myth is the voice that best describes the nature and scope of Pachamama...
So they admit they need to go a little Woke/Cancel Culture  by controlling language to ease more people into pagan mysticism...
"Valuing Pachamama also creates another, more inclusive kind of ethics. As Pachamama is synonymous with space, a plant is the perfect metaphor precisely because it is rooted. From this we can see a different way of being in the world. Not an ethic of design and transformation, or one of movement and conquest, but an ethic of flourishing. Like a healthy plant, we do not need to move but need only be grounded in Pachamama...."
Speaking of "flourishing", their worldview triumphing in the Church would be the "fourishing" of Lucifer of the Church. 
"Finally, this orientation centrally involves a correction to our image of God. God is no longer the victorious judge who ultimately achieves his plans at any cost...."
The author wants us to view God through the Lens of Pachamama....but despite the disdain for God's Word by the author--He will always be the victorious Judge...