Saturday, February 25, 2023

30,000,000: Why?

"30 million Chinese died because of the actions of men and women. 
Like most troubles today the event was not a physical catastrophe.  The deaths were the direct result of implementing the policies of the Great Leap Forward aimed at bringing China into the industrial age by harnessing its human labour.  
This means that we are dealing with psychology.  
---We are asking the question why do men and women do these kinds of things? 
Mao turned into a paranoid despot as he purged critics and fostered a blind, fanatical devotion to his own naïve policies.  
But we have also to take into account the tens of thousands of men and women who were prepared to follow Mao’s policies and enthusiastically implement them. We have to look at why, when the deaths began, those responsible for the implementation did nothing to stop the genocide from going further.
Beyond these Mao devotees we also need to ask why millions of Chinese consented, albeit often under duress, to have these policies foisted upon them. 
So in looking at the reason why 30 million Chinese died between 1960 – 1962 we are seeking an explanation for:
*The psychopathic behavior of the leader, in this case Mao;
*The enthusiastic implementation of the policies by government/party officials; 
*The tacit acceptance of the policies by the majority of the population. 
We want to understand not only what turns leaders like Mao into psychopaths, but why so many are willing to implement the psychopath’s directives.  We also want to know why the majority of the population allow such directives to destroy their lives." ZeroHedge
Q: Why?....A: The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jer.17:9)