Sunday, January 8, 2023

IN the NEWS - Sunday's special place in Columbian Law

And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.... Genesis 2:3
"Colombia is one of the countries with the longest work weeks. The
average person works 48 hours per week. In 2023, a new law went into effect that aims to reduce the work week from 48 to 42 hours, ensuring that everyone has time off. The law requires “a mandatory rest day, which may coincide with Sunday.” The plan is as follows:
• From this year, Law 2101 of 2021 begins to apply, which aims to reduce the working day and gradually go from 48 hours to 42, in five or six days a week, depending on the agreement made by workers and employers.
• In accordance with article 3 of the aforementioned standard, the decrease in the ordinary working day may be implemented gradually by the employer, as follows:
• After two (2) years from the entry into force of the law, one (1) hour of the weekly working day will be reduced, leaving 47 weekly hours.
• Three (3) years after the entry into force of the law, another hour of the weekly working day will be reduced, leaving 46 weekly hours.
• As of the fourth year after the entry into force of the law, two (2) hours will be reduced each year, until reaching forty-two (42) hours per week, in accordance with the provisions of the articles.
• The regulations explain that when the 42-hour weekday is carried out through flexible daily work shifts, distributed over a maximum of six days a week, the worker must have “a mandatory rest day, which may coincide with Sunday“.
The phrase “may coincide with Sunday” appears in the language of Colombia’s new mandatory rest day law. Basically, this encourages employers to predetermine which day employees should be off. 
Here is a legal enactment that favors Sunday above all other days as the preferred day of rest. 
Once again, secular governments are doing the work of the church by attempting to shift people’s rest days from Saturday to Sunday
It’s only a matter of time before the law is amended or revised to say
that the “mandatory rest day will (not may) coincide with Sunday.” History has taught us that through state intervention, the Sabbath was changed from the seventh day of the week to the first.
Without a doubt, God commands that the seventh day be designated as the Sabbath (Exodus 20:8–11). 
Q: But why is it that on the first day of the week, without any divine authority, there is a uniform day of rest in every part of the world and in almost every church? 
A: The answer is obvious: it is the state that forces people to obey the dictates of apostate churches
---That’s what happened when Constantine issued the first Sunday law in 321 AD, declaring that all work should stop on Sunday. That is what made Sunday a universal day of rest and worship.
We are rapidly approaching another crisis as the world returns to Rome to adopt its new Sunday rest laws 2.0. 
Sunday is a religious institution, and its observance is an act of homage paid by Protestants and non-Christians to the authority of the Papacy. 
And if this one religious observance can be made legal, then any and all religious observances can be enforced by law."