Sunday, January 8, 2023

Creation Moment 1/9/2022 - Getting Crabby about Crabs

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,.... Romans 1:22
"Crabs have evolved five separate times – why do the same forms keep appearing in nature?  (The Conversation, 6 Dec 2022). Matthew Willis from the University of Bath is in hot water; he needs to Darwinize the same body plan evolving five times. It’s a job tough enough to make any Darwinist crabby. He tries compromise:
Charles Darwin believed evolution created
“endless forms most beautiful”. It’s a nice sentiment but it doesn’t explain why evolution keeps making crabs.
Scientists have long wondered whether there are limits to what evolution can do or if Darwin had the right idea. The truth may lie somewhere between the two.
Q: But sir, if truth evolves, is it really true? 
Now Willis is really crabby!
He speculates that crabs kept repeating the same plan because it works. “Evolution repeatedly hit upon this solution because it works well under similar sets of circumstances.” Works for birds and mammals, didn’t it? And camera eyes and wings and cabbages and kings?"  .....Convergent evolution is happening all over the biosphere! Stuff happens the same way, like magic, thanks to evolution! Go back to what you were doing. No sense studying more nonsense from the Darwin castle." CEH