Monday, October 10, 2022

IN the NEWS - When Actual Real Racism Enters Politics

 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth...
Acts 17:26
"NBC Los Angeles reported:
Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez and Councilman Kevin de León apologized Sunday for an attack on colleague Mike Bonin during a recorded conversation in October 2021 that included racist slurs by Martinez directed at Bonin’s young son.
Martinez also called the child “ese changuito,” Spanish for
that little monkey.”

Su negrito, like on the side,” Martinez added, using a Spanish term for a Black person that’s considered demeaning by many.
De Léon, who ran for mayor but lost in the primary, did not object to the racial slurs, and mocked Bonin over his son. 
No child should ever be subjected to such racism, mean and dehumanizing comments,” he said of the words used by his fellow Democrats." Breitbart