Monday, October 10, 2022

Creation Moment 10/11/2022 - OCEANS, ELVIS & Hydrobioscopy

 .....but the folly of fools is deceit. Proverbs 14:3

"OCEANS: Organic Capillary Electrophoresis Analysis System. This instrument system “essentially pressure-cooks liquid samples and feeds them to instruments that search for the chemical building blocks of life: all varieties of amino acids, as well as fatty acids and organic compounds.”
ELVIS: Extant Life Volumetric Imaging System. It’s a microscope system with no moving parts for use in space. It “uses machine-learning algorithms to both home in on lifelike movement and detect objects lit up by fluorescent molecules, whether naturally occurring in living organisms or as added dyes bound to parts of cells.”
The wizards at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) have used their intelligent design skill to build these systems to look for evidence that life can emerge by sheer dumb luck. 
This can only mean one thing: it must be funding season again. NASA believes the public will clamor for more support for the agency if they can maintain a sufficient level of titillation in their imaginations about life in outer space.
What keeps the search going is a trait shared by most materialists
known as hydrobioscopy, a term from our Darwin Dictionary, that is defined as “the tendency to focus on the possibility of life whenever water is found on another planet or moon.” 
This prompts NASA to engage in a “Follow the Waterstrategy. Since life needs water, places that contain water (even in ice form) are the best places to look. A hunter on Earth might set his scope on watering holes, for example. 
---But hydrobioscopy in space commits a fallacy: the idea that since water is necessary for life, it is sufficient for life. 
**This is not to say that materialists believe life consists only of water, but since water is a good solvent, it will dissolve any minerals a hopeful protocell will need in its quest to self-organize and emerge to say “Howdy!” to ELVIS." CEH