Tuesday, October 4, 2022

"Excuses" For Changing the Sabbath SERIES: Summary

"But what authority, then, do they show for changing the Sabbath!
Not a
particle of direct testimony, ..... However, they have several inferences which they think make the subject very plain.
"Q. What was the reason why the weekly Sabbath was changed from the Saturday to the Sunday? 
A. Because our Lord fully accomplished the work of our redemption by rising from the dead on a Sunday, and by sending down the Holy Ghost on a Sunday; as therefore the work of our redemption was a greater work than that of our creation, the primitive church thought the day on which this work was completely finished, was more worthy her religious observation than that in which God rested from the creation, and should be properly called the Lord's day." ---Catholic Christian Instructed. Chapter xxiii.
This testimony from the "Right Rev. Dr. Challoner," shows conclusively that the fourth commandment, which the New Testament has never changed, has been corrupted by the Romish Church. 
And in this testimony we find the authority of the Protestant church for saying that the commandment was changed because redemption was greater than creation.
---We have seen that there is no divine authority for the change of the Sabbath, and that the various arguments urged in its behalf are totally destitute of foundation in the word of God. 
And we here see that the principal of these arguments were invented by the church of Rome
The change of the Sabbath, 
therefore, rests upon the Papal church."
J.N. Andrews