Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Eve & the Definition of a Woman

And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
Genesis 3:20
"Until quite recently, an article on this subject would have been deemed unnecessary at best, perhaps even a little absurd. Not anymore. In our increasingly post-Christian culture, confusion abounds, so much so that the Oxford English Dictionary recently altered dozens of definitions after a gender diversity review, among them ‘woman’ and ‘man’.
Q: So, how are we to define what a woman is? 
The Hebrew text identifies the woman as ishshah because she was taken out of ish (the man). 
She was called by the proper name Eve (or Chavvah); 
the mother of all the living. 
The separateness, but with complementarity, is clear in this binary structure to human society...... a woman has been designed, with various biological organs for bearing and nurturing children.....There is simply no justification for ‘cancelling Eve’, whether Biblically or scientifically—from genetics, anatomy, or physiology. 
Ironically, in a society that claims to prize equality, moves in this direction are arguably a form of misogyny." CMI