Saturday, October 1, 2022

"Excuses" For Changing the Sabbath SERIES: The Day Of Pentecost Argument?

"But what authority, then, do they show for changing the Sabbath!
Not a particle of direct testimony, ..... However, they have several inferences which they think make the subject very plain.
 4. The Holy Ghost descended upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost,which was the first day of the week. Therefore the first day of the week is the Christian Sabbath.
One can hardly refrain from feelings of indignation that Doctors of Divinity should found their first-day Sabbath upon such a basis as this
The disciples had been engaged in earnest prayer for ten days. 
For the day of
Pentecost was fifty days from the day of Christ's resurrection, and forty of those days, the Savior spent with his disciples. Acts i, 3. Forty days from 9 the resurrection day would end on Thursday, the day of His ascension. A period of ten days after the ascension on Thursday, would include two first days. 
Q: If the design of God had been to honor the first day of the week, why did not the Holy Ghost descend upon the first of those first days? Why must the day of Pentecost come before the Holy Spirit could descend! 
A: The answer is obvious. It was not the design of Heaven to honor the first day of the week, but to mark the antitype of
the feast of Pentecost. 
---The slaying of the paschal lamb, on the fourteenth day of
the first month, had met its antitype in the death of the Lamb of God, on that day. Ex. xii; John xix; 1 Cor. v, 7. The offering of the first fruits, on the sixteenth day of the first month, had met its antitype in the resurrection of our Lord on that day, the first-fruits of them that slept. Lev. xxiii; 1 Cor. xv, 20, 23. It remained that the feast of Pentecost, fifty days later, should also have its fulfillment. Lev. xxiii, 15-21. The fulfillment of this type is what the pen of inspiration has here recorded
---As God has spoken nothing in this place respecting a change of the Sabbath, those who contend that he has, are cited to Prov. xxx, 6. "And thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar." J.N. Andrews