Saturday, October 1, 2022

Creation Moment 10/2/2022 - Original Institution: Since the Creation

"THOSE who observe the Sabbath of the Bible, are able to present as its
foundation, a divine institution. "God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it." Gen.ii,3
To sanctify is "to separate, set apart, or appoint to a holy, sacred, or religious use." Webster.  
---It was by this act of the great Creator, that the Sabbath was made for man. Ex.xx, 11; Mark ii,27
As God has never taken this blessing from the seventh day, and has never given to secular purposes the day which he here set apart to a holy use, the original institution still exists. 
As God made the Sabbath in paradise, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy, 
--it follows that it is not Jewish, 
--not a carnal ordinance, not a yoke of bondage, 
but a sacred institution made for the well-being of the human family, while yet upright. The great Creator rested first on the seventh day and was refreshed. Ex.xxxi,17
The Son of God who kept his Father's commandments, followed this example, [John xv,10; Ex.xx,8-11,] and thus, also, did the entire church so far as inspiration gives us the facts." J.N. Andrews