Saturday, August 27, 2022

IN the NEWS - Something you wish wasn't in the News

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5
"Germans beastialitists are protesting to eliminate the country's
animal protection law - which forbids having any sexual relations between humans and animals.
To that end, Bavarian zoophiles held a public demonstration demanding recognition in a 'Zoophilia Pride March.
One of the protesters told Russia's state-owned Ruptly that it's possible to form a loving sexual relationship with animals - in fact, "it is much easier to build a relationship with animals than humans," said the man who brought his dog.
Germany's animal protection law prohibits any sex acts with animals, or supplying animals to those who wish to bury the bone in fido (or vice versa). Offenders face a stiff penalty of 25,000 euros (US$24,910).

Meanwhile in Australia, the upcoming "Festival of Dangerous Ideas" will host professor Joanna Burke, who will discuss the ethics of "humans loving animals,"....The historian plans to present a modern history of sex between humans and animals and will invite audience members to look at the 'changing meanings' of bestiality and zoophilia and the ethics of 'animal loving'.
'It is only in very recent years that some people have begun to undermine the absolute prohibition on zoosexuality,' the speaker is quoted on the website." SunmitNews