Saturday, August 27, 2022

GERMANY in this Great Controversy

As the Heart of the Reformation the German people became special targets for Lucifer's wrath/abuse as he moved to take them as far from that path as he could. 
It would seem his goal was to humiliate, punish and destroy the German people.
After bloodying them with the Thirty Years War (bloodiest European War before WW1) he moved to take away their heart of the Reformation and give them a heart of Hitler by the 1930's.
It was where Neitzsche Freud and Marx put down roots and where Darwinian Macro-Evolutionary thinking and Long Age Chronology first took root at the national level.

"The term Neology, or Rationalism, has been applied to the actual
creed of a large portion of the members of the German church, who profess a nominal adhesion to the Augsburgh Confession of Faith, while they reject its fundamental principles, and maintain tenets which the Saxon reformers would have regarded as "damnable heresies." (2 Pet. 2:1). 
Like many other forms of error, Neology did not make its first appearance among the common people. In all countries, the simple faith of this class in the book of God, and their reverence for its instructions, have made them the well known conservators of truth. It is seldom that their course of life is such as to drive them to the necessity of impugning the authority of the Scriptures. 
Neology had its birth among those, .... among professors of theology, whose rank, learning, and talents gave them a controlling influence over the opinions of the religious world.
---An event now burst upon the world, which was destined to give public sentiment an impulse which it had not felt since the fall of the Roman empire. 
It was not a reformation, but a revolution
---A convulsion commenced in France, which tested the stability of every institution, creed and opinion known to the civilized world. That its final results were not unmingled evil, can never be ascribed to the virtues of those who directed the storm. 
The actors in this drama were equally impatient of political and religious control. Making no distinction between the corruptions of the Papacy and the religion of the Savior, they assailed both
with the same blind fury. Those who could wield the pen, deluged Europe with pamphlets and volumes filled with the bitterest attacks on Divine Revelation. The unsparing boldness of French skeptics was communicated to "kindred spirits" among the more cautious Germans
Such was the origin of Neology. Its form has varied with the changing breath of public opinion and the exigency of circumstances. 
At one period, it boldly took the field against evangelical religion, and hardly sought a disguise. In the writings of Fichte and Forberg, and some others of the transcendental school, it would have received the name of atheism, in our land. 
In the hands of other artists, it has assumed the shape of the Pantheism of the Greek philosophers. 
Now it is "liberal Christianity," or "Rationalism"-again it is marked by an icy indifference to all revelation.
***The extent to which neological writers
succeeded in destroying the
belief of the German church in the inspiration of the Scriptures cannot be viewed without the deepest pain. 
***It must be left to eternity to declare the consequences in their full extent." (wow...that was published in March of 1844---and think what it was like in/for Germany by 1944....amazing observation by Mr. Whiting)
N.N. Whiting