Thursday, July 7, 2022

IN the NEWS - devil's "sons" fan out Globally

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth,.... John 8:44

"The death toll in Monday's 4th of July parade shooting in Highland Park, Illinois has risen to seven, after more than 70 shots were fired
into the crowd..... the shooter - believed to be Robert Crimo III - was able to initially evade capture by dressing as a woman to blend into the fleeing crowd. He was arrested approximately eight hours after the shooting, while a second gun was found in his car following the arrest.
Crimo reportedly planned the attack weeks in advance according to police (or anyone who watched his music video depicting a mass shooting).
Crimo, who goes by the name Bobby, was an aspiring rapper with the stage name Awake the Rapper, posting on social media dozens videos and songs, some ominous and violent.
Crimo also 'liked' several tweets advocating for the imprisonment of pro-J6 Republicans, with the hashtag "ArrestThemAll." 
"A gunman has killed three people and injured another four at a
shopping mall in Denmark's capital
The victims are two Danish 17-year-olds and a 47-year old Russian. Two Danes and two Swedes were wounded - one remains critical. 
Police said the suspected shooter, 22, had mental health issues and there is no indication of a terror motive.
Field's has more than 140 shops and restaurants. The multi-storey mall is on the outskirts of Copenhagen, just across from a subway line that connects to the city centre.
Eyewitnesses spoke of panic among shoppers as gunfire rang out."

"Police claim a tip from a concerned citizen foiled a planned mass shooting at an evening July 4th celebration at a packed Richmond amphitheater.
Now, 52-year-old Julio Alvardo-Dubon and 38-year-old Rolman A. Balacarcel sit in the Richmond city jail, each initially charged with being a non-U.S. citizen in possession of a firearm. Both are Guatemalans in the United States illegally, and it's been claimed at least one has already been deported multiple times.
 "Their intent was to conduct a mass shooting at our Fourth of July celebration," said Smith, who gave no indication that police found specific evidence of the plot, or that either of the two confessed to it."  