Thursday, July 7, 2022

Creation Moment 7/8/2022 - But Who Is Right?

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Romans 1:20
".....this is a key point—both creationists and evolutionists actually have the same facts. 

We all observe the same fossils, the same DNA and have exactly the same universe to discover. 
--But we all interpret these facts according to our pre-existing worldview presuppositions. 
That worldview, in turn, then enables us to interpret these facts and they become ‘evidence’ for our cause. 
For example, when an evolutionary geologist looks at the many sedimentary layers in the walls of the Grand Canyon, he ‘sees’ it as evidence for millions of years of Earth history. This is due to his pre-existing belief (from what he’s been taught in the classroom) that these layers built up from slow, gradual deposition of sediments, year after year. 
However, a creationist geologist can interpret the exact same facts (i.e. layers in the canyon walls) and see these as evidence for Noah’s catastrophic, globe-covering Flood. 
Neither one was there to see those layers form in the past." CMI