Monday, June 27, 2022

Purpose of that Question Through the Ages

 "THIS is one of the questions most frequently raised by an
apostate church for the purpose of silencing those in
whom she opposes:

Matthew 21
By what authority do you do these things?
The question brings to mind the chief priests and scribes
and Pharisees, and their attempts to silence our Savior and
put an end to His work. 
It is not an honest question, asked for
the purpose of obtaining information; but one raised merely
to oppose the truth of God
That was the purpose of the Jews, and that has been the purpose of
every other apostate church,
in raising it. It is the only purpose the question is fitted to serve.
Our Savior spoke “with authority” (Mark 1:27); that was
evident to all who heard Him. 
Yet He had not received any authority from the chief priests and the others who sat “in Moses’ seat.” Matthew 23:2." E.J. Waggoner