Monday, June 27, 2022

IN the NEWS - Sun Troubles on the Horizon?

We are NOT predicting this will cause any harm or even happen....BUT, these are the kinds of things that could contribute to Global Unrest IF they were to happen on a major scale---especially an X-class flare. Now, or in the Future--Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Luke 21:26
"Scientists issued a dire warning Sunday after a huge sunspot named
AR3038 doubled in size and is now pointed at earth — meaning a large solar flare could potentially strike the planet, Newsweek first reported.
Otherworldly footage released from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory revealed how the huge sunspot has been evolving at a rapid rate, according to Science Times.
Yesterday, sunspot AR3038 was big,” scientists told “Today, it’s enormous. The fast-growing sunspot has doubled in size in only 24 hours.”
They added, “AR3038 has an unstable ‘beta-gamma’ magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares, and it is directly facing Earth."
Far more harmful is the most powerful X-class flares, which can “create long lasting radiation storms that can harm satellites, communications systems, and even ground-based technologies and power grids,” per NASA.
Last month, NASA captured an X-class solar flare that erupted from the sun and sent energy across the galaxy, which made for spectacular imagery of the invisible light.” NYP