Saturday, June 25, 2022

On the Streets of Babylon: Mermaid Spirit Exorcisms on the Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be "Mermaid Spirit Exorcisms" on the Streets of Babylon...
"Daniel Adams is the founder of The Supernatural Life which bills
itself as “a national and international movement that birthed through Daniel Adams on YouTube” that believes in “showing people how to do the same supernatural works Jesus did while here on earth and pushing them into their God-given destinies!” 
At a recent revivalist event, he encountered a young girl who allegedly had a demon inside her needing to be exorcised. After talking to her, Adams ‘discovers’ she has a ‘Mermaid Spirit’ that she got from watching ‘scary mermaid videos on YouTube and as a result, could not speak.
It’s unsurprising that he’d label it that, as nothing makes a charismatic happier than being able to name a newly-discovered demon after some zoon animal. 
Adams then gives the verbal cue so the girl pretending to be demon-possessed at the instruction of her spiritually abusive parents know when to act as if the spirit has come and gone casts out the demon, causing it to flee, to the cheers of all involved." Protestia