Saturday, June 25, 2022

IN the NEWS - Potential for CREEPY Techno-Spiritualism

 [see our other posts on Techno-Spiritualism on this blog]
 Q: What could Amazon, or anyone else, use this CREEPY device for? Possible Techno-Spiritualism? The "dead" talking to you and being manipulated to say what someone wants....imagine it in the wrong hands...
For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing...
Eccl. 9:5

"Tech giant Amazon has revealed an insanely creepy experimental feature for its AI assistant Alexa that allows it to mimic the voices of its users’ dead relatives.
The Verge reports that Amazon has revealed an experimental feature for its Alexa smart speaker AI assistant that allows the device to mimic the voices of users’ dead relatives. The company displayed this new feature at its annual MARS conference, demoing it by showing a video of a child asking Alexa to read its bedtime story in the voice of a dead grandmother. Rohit Prasad, Amazon’s head scientist for Alexa AI, commented: “As you saw in this experience, instead of Alexa’s voice reading the book, it’s the kid’s grandma’s voice.” 
With Amazon’s devices constantly listening in on users and the convenience of recording a voice note, it could mean that the average consumer could easily clone the voice of a family member.
 Breitbart News has previously reported on the growing popularity of “audio deepfakes” mimicking users voices — usually with their consent and not after they’ve died. Most recently, one of these audio deepfakes was used to recreate the voice of Val Kilmer for the new film Top Gun: Maverick after the actor lost his voice due to complications with throat cancer." Breitbart