Tuesday, June 28, 2022

IN the NEWS - More Simmering Unrest

Besides War in Europe, coming food shortages, potential power grid collapses in America this summer, soaring INFLATION and Gas Prices, MonkeyPox Scare.....
Q: How much longer can the 4 winds be held back?...And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth,....Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. Revelation 7:1.3
I. Fuel Prices in Argentina
 "Argentine truck drivers’ unions called for a nationwide strike on
Wednesday, causing miles-long road closures and other transportation disruptions that threatened to jeopardize the country’s food supply during its peak harvest season, Reuters reported.
Angry Argentine truck drivers blocked highways protesting shortages and rising prices for diesel fuel, just as the country’s crucial grains harvest requires transport amid surging inflation,” the news agency reported." Breitbart
II. Poles told to gather wood for heat 
"Authorities in Poland reminded citizens on Friday they can
forage firewood from forests to keep warm amid soaring energy costs
in the country. 
The government said it was taking steps to make it easier for people to collect firewood in an effort to ease the pressure created by sky-rocketing energy bills and shortages of coal.
“It is always possible, with the consent of foresters, to collect branches for fuel,” said deputy climate and energy minister Edward Siarka." EuroNews
III. 40,000 Factories may close in Pakistan
"Factories in the commercial capital of Pakistan are warning that
they may need to shut production due to sky-high energy costs, another blow to the nation’s fledgling economy. Surging power costs make it impossible to continue production for 40,000 industries in Karachi, according to an appeal by nine business groups in local newspapers on Thursday. The business groups appealed to the government for cheaper fuel charges for Karachi, one of world’s biggest cities with a population of more than 20 million." Bloomberg
IV. Nearly 500,000 British businesses could shutter "within weeks"
"Rising costs have created a “ticking timebomb” for UK small
business owners
, the Federation of Small Business (FSB) president has warned, with nearly half a million firms likely to close within weeks without a fresh wave of government support. There is danger. Office for National Statistics, which showed that 40%, or 2m, of UK small businesses have less than three months of cash left to support their operations. Of those 2m, the FSB chairman said that about 10% – or 200,000 – were in “serious distress”, and another 300,000 “only weeks left”." BusinessNews
V. British Fertlizer Plant closure endangers food supply
"Farmers and meat processors have warned that domestic fertilizer supplies are now under threat after CF Fertilizers announced they
were shutting one of their largest plants
. The company will close its Ince plant near Chester which produces supplies of nitrogen fertilizer and carbon dioxide.
The move to close the factory highlights the challenge that expensive gas poses to European industries. The threat to fertilizer output has also been bad news for the food and drink sector, because the factories produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct. Chair of the Committee, Sir Roger Goodwill MP, has written to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Rt Hon George Eustice MP, about the issue, which could lead to supply chain shortages and even higher food prices if it is not resolved." Express/Bloomberg/NewFood
VI. Leftist Violence over Supreme Court Ruling turning over abortion to the states (as per the10th amendment of the Constitution)
"Pro-abortion rioters attempted to breach the Arizona capitol building in Phoenix while the Arizona Senate was in session.
The Arizona Department of Public Safety issued the following statement: “Troopers deployed gas outside the Senate building after protesters attempted to break the glass. The crowd then moved to the Wesley Bolin Plaza where some monuments were vandalized. Gas was deployed again to disburse the crowd.”
BREAKING: Seattle Antifa attack pro-life female, tackle her to the ground and pepper spray her.
Protesters break through a police line in Washington, DC.
Traffic in Los Angeles forced to a standstill as pro-abortion
protesters mobbed the freeway.
Protesters chanted F*ck Fox News as they marched near the Fox News Headquarters in New York City. VIOLENCE INCREASING: Antifa militants attempt to shatter windows but security prevented them and they ran back into the crowd.
Groups of people wearing masks, goggles, and all-black were spotted arriving at the Supreme Court at dusk, some of them holding black umbrellas.
Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground!” chants from protesters out here in DC." Breitbart
VII. Germany faces Economic Collapse?
"Germany is facing a “Lehman Brothers” collapse in its energy market that could spark a domino effect leading to a severe recession should the gas-addicted economic powerhouse of the
European Union be fully cut off from Russian energy supplies.
Economy Minister and Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck said on Friday that Europe’s largest economy could be forced to shut down certain industries should gas supplies run thin by the winter. Also on Friday, the head of the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) energy regulator, Klaus Müller said called on the German population to reduce their energy consumption in order to lessen the impact of a possible Russian cut off, after natural gas travelling from Russia to Germany via the Nord Stream One pipeline was already reduced to 40 per cent." Breitbart