Sunday, April 10, 2022

Peru, Indiana Obituary Lesson: Did she know that in a couple of days she'd be dead? [1918]

To day if ye will hear his voice
harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. 
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. 
For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.  
Hebrews 3:15/James 4:14
Mrs. Mary Abbott Dies Unexpectedly of Cholera Morbus.
Mrs Mary Abbott aged 60 year, mother of Dayton F. Abbott, chief of the Fort Wayne police department, died unexpectedly yesterday at the home of a friend at Peru, Ind. where she had been visiting for the past four weeks. Death was due to cholera morbus, with which the decedent was stricken day before yesterday
Although she had been in good health until taken ill Tuesday. Mrs
Abbott was unable to withstand the attack and her condition became rapidly more critical until death ensued yesterday. The notification of their mother's death came as a great shock to Chief Abbott and his brother, Albert Abbott, as prior to Tuesday the decedent had enjoyed excellent health. The sons left immediately for and will accompany the body to Manchester, where funeral services and Interment will take place at a time to be announced later.
Date: 1918-06-13; Paper: Fort Wayne News Sentinel."