Sunday, April 10, 2022

Creation Moment 4/11/2022 - Creation NOR Evolution

O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves,.... Matthew 16:8

"We already know from God’s revealed, infallible Word how the
universe, the earth, and all life came into being: He spoke them into existence (Genesis 1; Exodus 20:11; Hebrews 11:3). This fact alone refutes Darwinian evolution. 
Yet in a world where secular researchers reject the supernatural and divine revelation, many Christians still feel compelled to provide empirical (observable and repeatable) evidence to confirm the Bible’s claim.

The problem is that neither creation nor evolution is observable or repeatable. Empirical science alone can’t prove a miraculous, onetime historical event any more than it can prove evolution. Instead, we must make assumptions, and our conclusions are only as good as our starting assumptions.
The issue is not the evidence, but how we interpret the evidence through our worldview." AIG