Saturday, April 23, 2022

Lesson of an Ignorant Man & a Thermometer

"An ignorant man who saw a thermometer for the first time thought to lessen the heat by breaking it. But how much effect did this have upon the weather? 
Just as much as the wiping out of the record of his sin has upon the sinner. The tearing of a leaf out of a book, or even the burning of the book containing the record, does not blot out the sin. 
The sin is not blotted out by blotting out the account of it, any more than throwing my Bible into the fire abolishes the Word of God. 
The blotting out of sin is the erasing of it from the nature, the being of man. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin. 
Our bodies are but the channel, the border, the sand upon the shore, of the cover of life. Impressions have been made upon us by sin. At the seashore, when you see a smooth piece of sand, your first impulse is to make some mark on it, to write the characters upon it. Then the sea comes up, and each wave that passes over it helps to obliterate the impression until it is entirely blotted out. Even so the stream of life from the throne of God will wash away and blot out the impressions of sin upon us.

The erasing of sin is the blotting of it from our natures, so that we shall know it no more.

Hebrews 10
2 …the worshippers once purged [actually purged by the blood of Christ, have] …no more conscience of sins.

…because the way of sin is gone from them. Their iniquity may be sought for, but it will not be found."
E.J. Waggoner