Sunday, April 24, 2022

Creation Moment 4/25/2022 - Mivart: Early Scientific Challenge to Darwin

The LORD knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity.
Psalm 94:1
"Darwin is also well known for his strong dislike of those who found
fault with his theory and were open about their opposition. 
An example is his former friend George Mivart.

Mivart argued, to give one example, that natural selection could not produce structures as complex as the vertebrate eye because the beginning stages of the structure would serve no purpose until all of its essential components were present (we know this as ‘irreducible complexity’).
Darwin “was horribly discountenanced by Mivart’s objections to his theory
As a result of Mivart’s valid criticisms, Darwin ruthlessly attacked
him in writing. Mivart also opposed eugenics, and Darwin’s defense of his (Darwin’s) son’s work in this area was so strong that not long after Mivart critiqued his son, Darwin formally cut off all communication with Mivart."