Friday, April 1, 2022

IN the NEWS - What did Dolan know and when did he know it?

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13
"The attorney for former North American College seminarian
Anthony Gorgia has filed an appeal after a New York judge dismissed a sexual predation cover-up complaint against Cdl. Timothy Dolan and NAC.
Notably, while the judge stated there were problematic procedural technicalities and jurisdictional issues with the case, she did not dismiss the veracity of the allegations against Dolan or the sexual misconduct allegations against outgoing NAC rector Fr. Peter Harman and vice rector Fr. Adam Park (who resigned).
The accusations were bolstered by a former FBI special agent who, after reviewing the evidence, affirmed in sworn testimony that he found the allegations entirely credible.
Multiple NAC seminarians and the FBI agents have detailed Harman and Park's alleged sexual antics — as well as retaliatory tactics used to hide clerics' misconduct and punish whistleblowers. The lawsuit also brought to light a three-year paper trail showing Dolan, NAC seminary officials and the Vatican refusing to investigate." ChurchMilitant