Friday, April 1, 2022

Creation Moment 4/1/2022 - Christianity Today's Hit Piece on well,.... Scripture

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness... 2 Timothy 3:16
"Christianity Today, the publication founded by Billy Graham, wants to join in on the relentless attacks on Christianity by blasting Creationists and essentially saying that we are divisive. 
In a hit piece against Biblical Creation titled Evangelicals Have Four Proposals for Harmonizing Genesis and Evolution, the author, Jay Johnson attempts to rationalize the acceptance of the modern “scientific” movement to embrace evolution and “harmonize” it with the Scriptures. That, of course, cannot be done, and those who try to do so are simply deceiving themselves. 
He lists four proposals that have been presented by evolutionists who claim to be Christians:
  1. God selected Adam and Eve from an existing population to
    represent all of humanity. Since they represented everyone, the consequences of their failure immediately affected everyone.
  2. God selected Adam and Eve from an existing population to represent humanity, but after being expelled from the Garden, their sinfulness was spread to others by culture or genealogy.
  3. Adam and Eve aren’t literal individuals. Rather, Genesis 2–3 is a stylized retelling of many human events compressed into a single archetypal story. Although God occasionally revealed his will to individuals or groups, people persisted in disobedience.
  4. Adam and Eve are symbolic figures in an archetypal story. Over a long period of time, humans became morally accountable through general revelation (Rom. 1:18–20), yet they chose sin.
Besides the fact that all of these proposed “solutions” to harmonizing evolution with the Scriptures actually place the Scriptures in subordination to the constantly changing scientific and evolutionary theories of the day, the even bigger issue is theological. If death did not enter the world until after Adam and Eve sinned—as claimed in the Creation account and affirmed by the Apostle Paul in Romans 5:12-19—then if evolution is true, the Scriptures must be false.
Christianity Today attacks those who actually believe that Biblical authority, inspiration, infallibility, and doctrine are important. Johnson writes:
A 2017 Gallup poll showed that, for the first time, there were as many people who believed in God-guided evolution as people who believed that humanity began with two people named Adam and Eve. Including the minority (19%) who deny God’s involvement in human evolution, most Americans (57%) accept the scientific evidence. If a concern for evangelism is still one of the hallmarks of evangelicalism, pastors and lay leaders especially need to stop drawing needless lines in the sand on evolution and the interpretation of early Genesis. It only pushes people away from Christ.”
Well, I suppose we should follow the Gallup polls and the modern zeitgeist instead of the Scriptures themselves. Being a Christian isn’t about holding the Scriptures up to the standards of the world. It’s about holding the world up to the standard of God’s word.  
---Christians believe in a lot of things that science can’t explain: the virgin birth, the resurrection, for example. 
If we can reject the Creation account which defies “science,” then what is to stop us from rejecting these other important beliefs?" ReformationCharlotte