Friday, March 4, 2022

IN the NEWS - CASE STUDY: What it may have felt like for Lot in Sodom that night

But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter... Genesis 19:4

"A conservative college student and a father at the heart of an
ongoing battle over “transgender” children were evacuated by police from the University of North Texas (UNT) campus Wednesday evening to protect them from screaming leftist protesters storrming the halls. For years, Jeffrey Younger has been locked in a legal battle with ex-wife Anne Georgulas over the latter’s efforts to “transition” their prepubescent son James into a “girl” named “Luna.” Georgulas has accused Younger of child abuse for refusing to treat his son as such, even as she has discussed subjecting James to “hormone suppression” between ages eight and nine, despite Younger’s insistence that his son prefers to remain a boy.

Wednesday evening Younger was attending a Young Conservatives of Texas event at UNT on transitioning children when the event was crashed by “at least70 protesters dressed in black, shouting epithets, and brandishing signs with messages about “hate speech.” Police entered the room to evacuate Younger and student Kelly Neidert, a Young Conservatives member who promoted the event. At one point, Neidert and an officer actually hid in a janitor’s closet to evade protesters.

Tensions continued outside of the building, when apparent confusion among officers on the scene initially prevented her from entering a police car with Younger. After an officer realized she wasn’t one of the protesters, “that officer starts chasing after the car and they were having some difficulty leaving because there were about, I’d say 150 people that were at the back of the building at that point, and so of course, all these people are swarming and not wanting the police car to leave,” she recounted. “So we tried to get the car to let us in, but if they had opened the door for me, these protesters would’ve been able to get in,” Neidert continued. “So they were unable to open the door and that car just left. And so then I had these police officers running with me to these other police cars, but for some reason, nobody had the keys to the cars. It was pretty frantic. So we didn’t really have time to wait and figure out who had keys to which car. And so at that point, people have realized that it’s me out there. They started screaming my name and were chasing after us. And so we run into a nearby building and the police officer locks the door behind us.

The incident follows left-wing outrage over a recent order by Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott directing the state to investigate surgical and chemical “gender transition” procedures performed on minors as child abuse." Lifesite