Friday, March 4, 2022

IN the NEWS - CASE STUDY: How Lucifer Rocks the World in this Great Controversy

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9
We've stated before on here that there are 2 ways (among many) the Prince of Persia influences political chaos in the world.
1- Influence of Radical Politicians placed in Power
2- Incompetent Politicians placed in Power

As in a current CASE STUDY we are seeing that.....
INCOMPETENCE: WHY did Western Politicians Beat the War Drums for a month on
Putin but didn't cut off ALL his Oil sales leading up to the invasion of Ukraine thereby crippling his cash flow and MAYBE avoiding war?
WHY, if SWIFT sanctions are the toughest did we not warn him that the moment a Russian crosses that border SWIFT privileges will be REVOKED ON 100% everything Russian?
WHY are the same people in the U.S. who gave us the Afghanistan Debacle still calling the shots?
WHY did the Biden administration pass off our Intel on putin's buildup to the Chicoms who then (as anyone with a brain could guess) passed it on to Putin?
WHY are western nations still buying Putin's Oil while they whine about him in Ukraine? Unbelievable....and this take us too--
RADICAL POLICIES: WHY are we not building the Keystone Pipeline to buy more Oil from Canada rather than from Putin and the middle east?....Because someone is pandering to the radical extremists in their party on the environment. We have thousands of miles of pipeline across America. One more, and the most important one at that, isn't going to destroy the planet.

The results of Incompetence and Radical Politics, coupled with Putin's EVIL HEART has given the world the POTENTIAL for WW3.....don't blame the people of Russia--blame Putin...a war for a personal power grab...

"The White House does not support a ban on Russian oil imports,
according to press secretary
Jen Psaki, despite even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi joining in on the calls for the U.S. to cease buying Moscow's fuel. 
'We don't have a strategic interest in reducing the global supply of energy, and that would raise prices at the gas pump for the American people,' Psaki told reporters Thursday. 
Reporters shouted down President Biden on Thursday as he took part in a Cabinet meeting.
'Will you ban Russian oil?' a reporter asked as the press pool was ushered out of the meeting before the Cabinet began its discussion. 
'He said No! Let's go!' a Biden staffer said as they ushered press out of the room. 'No, he didn't.' 'He didn't respond to anything,' multiple reporters were heard grumbling.
The press secretary ruled out resurrecting the Keystone Pipeline as a means for upping U.S. fuel production." DailyMail