Saturday, January 22, 2022

IN the NEWS - This kind of stuff....

This kind of stuff....IF on a LARGER SCALE...that can lead to Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Luke 21:26
Click on LINK below for 2 more recent event stories that, IF on a LARGER SCALE, could hasten in closing events...

"NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory warned Thursday of a
"significant solar flare" event. 

The powerful burst of energy from the Sun, classified as an M5.5 class flare, sparked radio blackouts across the Indian Ocean.  "The Sun emitted a mid-level solar flare on January 20, 2022, peaking at 1:01 am EST," NASA said. Thursday's eruption has been classified as an M class, which is medium-sized and leads to radio blackouts. 

According to, a shortwave radio blackout across the Indian Ocean has been reported. "Aviators, mariners, and ham radio operators in the area may have noticed unusual propagation effects at frequencies below 30 MHz," it said.

We noted last year that Solar Cycle 25 has begun and could result in a flare-up in space weather activity. 

In 2017, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration) planned for a massive solar event that would be strong enough to take down the power grids.

A new active solar cycle could present danger to the digital economy that has become more reliant than ever on space-based and ground-based communication systems that could be prone to disruption during increasing solar activity bombarding the Earth's ionosphere." ZeroHedge

Now Imagine in story 2 below that we go all digital currency--then the power grids go down---oops....

"The Federal Reserve is taking the next step in weighing whether to launch a U.S. digital currency, issuing a report Thursday that explores the potential benefits and drawbacks of such a move without indicating where it will land.

The central bank is asking the public to provide feedback on the question over the next 120 days. And it said that in any event, it would only seek to create a digital currency with “clear support” from both the executive branch and Congress.

We look forward to engaging with the public, elected representatives, and a broad range of stakeholders as we examine the positives and negatives of a central bank digital currency in the United States,Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell said in a statement accompanying the report.

Lael Brainard, a member of the central bank’s Board of Governors who was recently nominated by President Biden to become the Fed’s No. 2 official, has signaled more interest. She has framed the issue both as a competitive imperative for the U.S. internationally — China adopted its own central bank digital currency last year — and an opportunity to extend benefits to lower-income Americans who struggle to access the financial system." MSN