Saturday, January 22, 2022

Creation Moment 1/23/2022 - BIG Admission for "Scientific American" Magaizine about "Darwin's Heir"

 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9
"Edward O. Wilson, the pioneering Harvard biologist who argued for a new vision of human nature in “Sociobiology”  has died. He was 92. E.O. Wilson was called ‘Darwin’s natural heir." NBC

"Monica McLemore writes in Scientific American that the recent death of biologist E.O. Wilson (d. 26 Dec 2021) has forced her to begin yet “again reflecting on the complicated legacies of scientists whose works are built on racist ideas and how these ideas came to define our understanding of the world.” 

The new article openly admits, “We must reckon with his and other scientists’ racist ideas if we want an equitable future. Part of the problem was

Wilson argued that social behaviors from warfare to altruism had a genetic basis, an idea that contradicted the prevailing view that cultural and environmental factors determined human behavior. …

She adds that her PhD research forced her to familiarize herself intimately “with Wilson’s work and his dangerous ideas on what factors influence human behavior.” The racism of evolution was common, McLemore alleges.

Wilson was hardly alone in his problematic beliefs. His predecessors— mathematician Karl Pearson, anthropologist Francis Galton, Charles Darwin, Gregor Mendel and others—also published works and spoke of theories fraught with racist ideas about distributions of health and illness in populations…. Even modern geneticists and genome scientists struggle with inherent racism in the way they gather and analyze data."