Friday, January 28, 2022

Creation Moment 1/29/2022 - It does "get tiring"

For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. 1 Corinthians 1:19

"Darwin had a lot to say about changes in life forms, but little to say about the origin of life itself. He speculated about a “warm little
” in his famous letter to Joseph Hooker late in life, but his influence on naturalistic religion went far beyond the origin of species. 
In his religion, Nature makes itself— no Designer needed. 
Naturally, his disciples took his program further and started naturalistic doctrines about the origin of life, the origin of planets, the origin of stars, and the origin of the universe, all making itself without intelligence or direction.

Nobody has witnessed any of these things happen. Today, the Origin-of-Life (OOL) field is active, confident, and dogmatic. Scientific papers appear regularly about the origin of life, but they are all based on lies. 

---It gets tiring to have to repeat this. Chemistry forbids it, thermodynamics forbids it, probability forbids it, and reason forbids it. 

In the Origin of Lie cult, the “building blocks of lie” are suggestions that an amino acid here, or a nucleobase there, or a clay mineral over yonder might help “shed light” on the origin of life. It’s all smoke and mirrors." CEH