Thursday, November 25, 2021

The "Really" File - (Lusting After----Santa?)

 ....inventors of evil things.... Romans 1:30

"The Norwegian postal service Posten has released an annual

Christmas video featuring Santa Claus falling in love with another man.....

The video, entitled “When Harry Met Santa,” is a four-minute short film in which the main character interacts with Santa Claus several times, before writing him a letter stating: “Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is you.”

As Santa Claus arrives at the home once again, revealing that he has employed extra help — the Post Office — with delivering presents in order to spend more time with Harry. After staring briefly at each other, the pair embrace in a kiss.

Monica Solberg, Posten’s marketing director, spoke to the news

From the "Really" File

website LGBTQ Nation about the ad, saying: “It has been a dark year for everyone – A global pandemic, code red for our planet, refugee crisis and more......Perhaps what we need this year is a warm and heartfelt love story? A celebration of the fact that we can love whomever we want in Norway, despite everything bad that happens around the world...,” she added.

Left-wing British newspaper The Guardian, called the video “heartwarming”....Some have criticized the ad, however, including English singer Steve Brookstein who commented on Twitter: “Norway making Santa a closet homosexual cheating on Mrs Claus is the worst Christmas idea… EVER!” Breitbart