Thursday, November 25, 2021

SDA Issues - Lola's Example of How SELF can Lead to Spiritual Blindness

Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Matt. 15:14
"Lola Tinubu, 53, is an atheist and a humanist who lives in London.
She is the co-founder of the Association of Black Humanists...."I grew up in a Seventh-Day Adventist family. 
I had a happy childhood and felt safe, but we were also taught that the outside world was evil..... My father encouraged me to watch science documentaries with him. After one, he said, “Science is fact, but our faith is the truth.” That was probably the moment the penny dropped.
 It took me nearly three decades to leave the church. When I became non-religious, the first thing I did was look for other black people who had had that experience. People see you as a traitor. They say, “Atheism is not African: it’s a European ideology.” A lot of people feel they can’t tell their friends. They can’t tell anybody. That’s why we formed our organisation.
The way to understand the world is through investigation, science and research. 
Science can also guide one in making moral decisions. 
For example, understanding the environment is now a moral issue. 
I don’t believe in the supernatural. 
Everything is within nature. 
Humanism also includes a kind of philosophy and moral guidance. 
If there’s no ultimate meaning of life, that doesn’t mean our existence needs to be meaningless; we can determine for ourselves what is meaningful. 
For somebody who rates thinking highly, I nevertheless define myself by the way I feel." The Guardian
1- When she says "science" she probably doesn't mean actual science (observational science) but obviously darwinian macro-evolution and long age chronology.
2- "Science" (she obviously includes darwinian macro-evolution in this context) is now her moral compass.
3- She now has replaced the morality on the Father God (as expressed in His moral Law) with that of Mother Earth.
4- She apparently is blending a mix of old paganistic Panentheism and Pantheism...."everything" is in nature.
5- She puts much weight on Philosophy---which really is just other peoples thoughts about things....thoughts of other fallen sinful humans.
6- The meaning in life is whatever......whatever....
7- It's all about what one Feels to Be Right.
---So the Bottom Line Here----it's ALL Rooted in the murky underbelly of SELF ....The way of a fool is right in his own eyes....every man did that which was right in his own eyes.
Proverbs 12:15/Judges 21:25