Sunday, November 21, 2021

IN the NEWS - Will HYPOCRITES Let You Decide Too?

But the hypocrites in heart heap up wrath... Job 36:13

"Fauci’s latest mask advice has left some confused, and only refueled the controversial doctor’s critics, some of whom have renewed calls for his dismissal.

White House health adviser Anthony Fauci was seen at an elite book party regularly taking his mask on and off, confusing many attendees. An author says Fauci explained to her why he chose to wear it around some and not others.

Appearing at a book launch party for journalist Jonathan Karl this week at Cafe Milano in Washington DC, Fauci gained the attention of onlookers, according to Politico, by repeatedly putting on and taking off his mask as he talked to numerous people. This also happened as “gawkers” attempted to get a picture of the unmasked infectious disease expert. 

Sally Quinn, an author who used Fauci as the inspiration for a character in an erotic work of fiction, eventually approached the doctor and asked about his “ambivalence” towards mask-wearing at the event.

“He said, I just decided that if anyone came up that I didn’t know, I would put my mask on,” the author recalled from her conversation with Fauci. 

The head of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases was apparently on his own with his mask-wearing tactics, as Quinn reported all others at the event were not masked.

Fauci has promoted mask-wearing in the past, even among the vaccinated, saying the act works to protect those unvaccinated against coronavirus, as well as those who are more vulnerable to the virus. 

In an interview this month with Bloomberg TV, Fauci said US citizens “will not have to wear masks forever,” but “we’re not there yet.” NW