Sunday, November 21, 2021

IN the NEWS - Under the Influence of the Prince of Persia [the move to Freedomless Democracies]

 ...and help us: for all the kings of the Amorites that dwell in the mountains are gathered together against us. Joshua 10:6

See the Prince of Persia Inspired Ethically Corrupt Politicians begin to Abuse their people over COVID and watch the Spark that is Ignited. As the Prince of Persia continues to forment the move into FREEDOMLESS DEMOCRACIES, the bloodshed that Results, as well as the Physical and Mental Abuse of the Population--how might this techoncrat-globalist elite movement work with the Beast Power when the time comes?
 I. Results of Government Abuse of their people Leads to Violence
"Amid spiking coronavirus cases, Austria announced on Friday that it would implement a full national lockdown, and would also
legislate a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all eligible citizens – the first of its kind in a Western nation. Austria is one of several European countries to dictate more stringent COVID-19 restrictions as a fourth coronavirus wave sweeps the continent. Following the introduction of rigid regulations, protests and riots exploded across Europe.

Three people were hospitalized late Friday after police opened fire

on lockdown protesters in downtown Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Rioters reportedly torched cars, launched fireworks, and attacked police. Police attempted to control the crowd with water cannons. Dutch police said that 51 people were arrested during the demonstration against the new COVID-19 restrictions. 

 Rotterdam Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb called the riot an "orgy of violence." Breitbart

II. Now Couple that story above with the one below
"Jordan Peterson says he spoke to a senior government adviser who told him Canada’s COVID restriction policies are completely driven by opinion polls and not science.

In relation to the COVID restrictions, I talked to a senior adviser to one of the provincial governments a couple of weeks ago,” said Peterson.He told me flat out that the COVID policy here is driven by nothing but opinion polls related to the popularity of the government,” he added. 
No science, no endgame in sight, no real plan, and so what that means is that the part of the population that is most afraid of COVID,” are driving the policy.
Peterson pointed to figures that prove people vastly exaggerate the risk of being hospitalized by COVID due to relentless government fearmongering campaigns. 
The author said he found the conversation “extremely disheartening” because he had hoped lockdown policies were “at least driven by something remotely resembling a scientifically informed plan.”
Peterson said the government adviser was “irate at what had been happening, enough to consider resigning.”

As we have previously highlighted, populations in virtually every major country believe COVID to be an exponentially greater threat than it actually is." SumitNews

SideNote-Here's a Prime Example of Western Politicians that are Morally/Ethically Bankrupt and Willing to Abuse their People for Power---UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THE PRINCE OF PERSIA

"Turns out Trudeau called for an election because internal poll showed he could capitalize on COVID hysteria---The Canadian prime minister made the call when he found out that polls indicated the public had a negative view of people who were against the vaccine.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the 2021 federal election only after information from a poll conducted by his staff showed that the majority of respondents (67 percent) had unfavorable views of COVID rule-breakers and the unvaccinated.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, results from a study titled “Psychographic Segmentation of Canadians Regarding COVID-19” were used as ammunition for Trudeau’s campaign, in which he relentlessly attacked the un-jabbed while pushing COVID jabs.

The study cost $148,862 and was commissioned by the Privy Council Office (which is an office to support only the PM and Cabinet) and performed by Kantar Group researchers, according to Blacklock’s Reporter. It questioned 2,202 Canadians about their views on COVID vaccines and masks.
According to Blacklock’s Reporter, it was only after the results of the study were released — which suggested that Trudeau’s Liberals look into “exploiting” already existing divides among Canadians regarding COVID — that an election was called.
Successful segmentation of the general population depends upon exploiting the diversity in the population and offering Canadians experiences, services and messages tailored to their needs or values,” the researchers wrote.
In mid-August, Trudeau called a federal election and quickly made COVID jabs as his top campaign agenda item.
The election was called only a few days after Transport Minister Omar Alghabra announced that by October only the vaccinated would be allowed to travel domestically via air, rail, or boat.
Before the election call, Trudeau was mum on the idea of vaccine passports and mandates. 

After the Kantar Group poll was released, however, Trudeau went on the attack against the un-jabbed." Lifesite