Wednesday, October 27, 2021

We - the Unclean Thing

 We are all as an unclean thing. Isaiah 64:6
"THE believer is a new creature, he belongs to a holy generation and a peculiar people— but for all that the Christian is a sinner still. He is so from the imperfection of his nature, and will continue so to the end of his earthly life. The black fingers of sin leave smuts upon our fairest robes
--Sin mars our repentance, ere the great Potter has finished it, upon
the wheel. 
--Selfishness defiles our tears, and unbelief tampers with our faith. 
The most golden faith or the purest degree of sanctification to which a Christian ever attained on earth, has still so much alloy in it as to be only worthy of the flames, in itself considered.  
Even now, though sin dwells in us, its power is broken. It has no dominion; it is a broken-backed snake; we are in bitter conflict with it, but it is with a vanquished foe that we have to deal. Yet a little while and we shall enter victoriously into the city where nothing defileth." Charles Spurgeon