Wednesday, October 27, 2021

IN the NEWS - What the Next Lockdown Should Look Like

The righteous care for the needs of their animals, 
but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.
 Proverbs 12:10
 "The intelligence displayed by many dumb animals approaches so closely to human intelligence that it is a mystery. 
--The animals see and hear and love and fear and suffer. 
--They use their organs far more faithfully than many human beings use theirs. 
--They manifest sympathy and tenderness toward their companions in suffering. 
--Many animals show an affection for those who have charge of them, far superior to the affection shown by some of the human race. They form attachments for man which are not broken without great suffering to them."  Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, pp. 315, 316.

"NIH is now accused of spending $100m of taxpayer's money on torturing lab monkeys with ACID and snakes: DeSantis leads calls for Fauci to quit after he was revealed to have funded horrific testing on beagles.

The National Institutes of Health has been condemned for torturing monkeys with acid, toy snakes and rubber spiders for research after it was revealed Dr Anthony Fauci had approved funding horrific
experiments on beagles.   

Watchdog the White Coat Waste Project (WCW) first accused the NIH of conducting 'bizarre psychological experiments' on monkeys back in December 2019, revealing that the experiments has cost taxpayers 'nearly $100 million just since 2007' and have been 'continuously funded for over 40 years'. 

It re-emerged the day after Fauci - director of the NIH's National Institutes for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) was condemned for funding experiments which saw beagles left in the desert for flies to eat them.

Since released video footage of the testing showed distraught primates chained in tiny cages as researchers surprised them with rubber spiders and mechanical snakes - objects they instinctively fear - to observe their reactions.

The NIH scientists then removed portions of their brains or destroyed them with acid to 'intentionally worsen the primates' fear'.

'In the video, a callous NIH 'white coat' can be heard joking, 'Where the h**l is the dancing monkey?,' after one of the tests on the terrified monkeys ends,' the WCW report states.

The videotaped experiments, according to the group, took place at he National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) in Bethesda, Maryland and have 'cost taxpayers over $16 million since 2007 and $1.7 million in 2019 alone.' " DailyMail