Friday, September 24, 2021

Papal Notes - Francis thinks I'm doing the "work of the devil"

For who knoweth what is good for man in this life, all the days of his vain life which he spendeth as a shadow? Ecclesiastes 6:12
"Pope Francis has claimed that conservative critics of his views on
issues such as climate change are performing the “work of the devil.”

Pope Francis wants to make “acts against the environment a sin,” thereby elevating Mother Earth as some kind of new age deity, while also calling for global governance to fight climate change.

Last year, the Pope also offered his support for gay marriage, saying same-sex couples should be able to form “civil unions,” a position you’ll struggle to find sympathy for in the actual Bible.

If your rhetoric serves to amplify the agenda that every truly satanic globalist is striving towards then it’s not your critics who are doing the “work of the devil,” it’s you." PaulJosephWatson