Friday, September 24, 2021

Both Covenants have a SANCTUARY

"Paul says that the sanctuary of Moses was the sanctuary of the first
covenant. It was, as we have seen, one of the chief features of that covenant.
But that covenant has given place to the new. Jer.31:31;
. Under this
new covenant we are now living; for it was confirmed by the Messiah, the Prince, ....during the last week of the seventy, or the last seven years of the 490, by Himself in person for the first half of the week, three years and a half to A.D.31, and
through His apostles during the remainder of that period, to A.D.34. Heb.2:3
The great features of that first covenant find their counterpart in the present. The sanctuary of that covenant must find its counterpart here
And the Bible nowhere recognizes anything as the sanctuary of God, except the sanctuary, or sanctuaries, connected with these two covenants. 
The new covenant therefore has a sanctuary, as well as the old.
This is proved directly by the words of Paul in the text in question, Heb.9:1: Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary.
---Paul is showing the relation which the two covenants sustain
to each other; and the word, also, shows that those things which he mentionspertained to both. 
---One had ordinances of divine service; the other also has them.
---One had a sanctuary; the other also
has a sanctuary." Uriah Smith