Tuesday, September 7, 2021

IN the NEWS - Naming a dish on the Menu after Sexual Predators

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:3

"The bishop of Fresno, California is breaking his years-long silence about a notorious Bakersfield priest, revealing he may have abused at least seven children.

Bishop Joseph Brennan had a letter read aloud at all parishes over the weekend giving more details about the defrocked Msgr. Craig Harrison, a popular priest of nearly 40 years in Bakersfield.

Harrison continues to officiate at weddings, funerals and lead spiritual retreats, in spite of a Vatican decree of laicization ordering him to cease leading such events.

The bishop goes on to reveal the number of credible allegations against Harrison: "It might be helpful for you to know that the diocese of Fresno did receive allegations of misconduct involving seven minors against Craig Harrison. The Diocesan Review Board reviewed all available information regarding each allegation and arrived at the opinion that the allegations were credible."

The bishop also weighs in on Harrison's claims to be a "life coach" and counselor. "I do not begrudge anyone's effort to make a living," says Brennan. "I must say, however, that I would like to know what advanced degrees or certificates he has worked for and received so as to qualify for offering such services."

Since Harrison's suspension in 2019, he has refused to keep a low profile, offering services, retreats and talks throughout town. 

For instance, on July 28, 2021, a packed audience attended Bakersfield's Fox Theatre to listen to Harrison's "Reflections for Women." The talk was titled: "When trust is broken, experiencing betrayal and lies."

The event was sponsored by Woolgrower's Restaurant, a local venue that has long supported Harrison, even naming a dish on the menu after him.

Harrison was suspected of abuse long before 2019. In 1998, more than 20 years ago, police received an accusation against him by a male minor.

The diocese conducted an internal review, dismissing the claim as not credible. That was under the late Bp. John Steinbock, a bishop with a reputation for covering up homosexual predation.

The 1998 claim involved a male teen who lived in the rectory of St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Firebaugh in the early 1990s, when Harrison was pastor.

He claims Harrison would inspect his genitals each night under the pretext that the examination would reveal whether the boy had done drugs.

The allegation is identical to that of another boy who lived in one of Harrison's homes for troubled teens....The 2004 FBI investigator's report goes on to detail evidence of at least one suicide of a boy who lived with Harrison." CM