Tuesday, September 7, 2021

HEALTH NOTE: 47 Mask Study Series- #44

I wish above all things that thou mayest... be in health... 
 3 John 1:2
44. Respiratory performance offered by N95 respirators and surgical masks: human subject evaluation with NaCl aerosol representing bacterial and viral particle size range

The study indicates that N95 filtering facepiece respirators may not achieve the expected protection level against bacteria and viruses. An exhalation valve on the N95 respirator does not affect the respiratory protection

Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18326870/ Lifesite

Q: HOW does someone get so WOKE as to DELETE Years of their own Research so as to Jump on a Bandwagon they know to be False?
Q: HOW did the Sciences become Politicized?
"Woke, pro-mask pediatricians censor their own research:

For years, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has stressed the importance of visual cues in childhood development.
In other words, young children develop language skills by seeing facial expressions in the adults they’re interacting with; when mommy smiles, it helps the child understand the words that she’s using, and that contributes heavily to overall language development.

The AAP had even published significant research on the topic, underscoring how critical it was for children to be able to see facial expressions.

But then COVID came along…

… and suddenly the “science” changed.

Over the last few weeks, the AAP has completely reversed itself, almost in 1984 style.

In a recent Twitter blitz, the AAP stated that “[t]here are no studies to support this concern” that, if adults wear facemasks when speaking to children, their language development would be harmed.

Amazing. After years of publishing the exact studies they’re talking about— that visual cues and facial expressions are critical to a child’s language development, suddenly the AAP claims there are no studies.

They even went as far as scrubbing their own website and DELETING THEIR OWN RESEARCH!

Perhaps even more hilarious is that, when the AAP was caught censoring their own research, they claimed it was because of an ‘unscheduled web migration.’" ZeroHedge

I have seen the foolish taking root:Job 5:3