Saturday, August 28, 2021

On the Streets of Babylon: Crazies Spotted on the Streets

 Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be "Crazies" spotted on the Streets of Babylon...
"Steve Shultz claims he has seen, based on his own extensive heavenly tourism, that God has to stay in a cube of gelatinous substance in order to contain his power. 
 "I remember one time, you know, I’ve been to heaven in different
throne rooms a few times. And every time I was in a throne room -he has different throne rooms for different things- I watched him create the world one time. You can see his hair. You can see the outline of it inside that, in his beard…. He’s watching all of this and his eyes full of fire. And he’s just watching. And inside this cube of gelatin, it was clear like… it was pure energy. It was power. It was just like electricity alive inside this cube. …When you see him like that,
that cube had to be around him, there was too much power coming out of him. It had to be there." Protestia