Saturday, August 28, 2021

HEALTH NOTE: 47 Mask Study Series- #34

I wish above all things that thou mayest... be in health... 
 3 John 1:2
34. Simple respiratory protection–evaluation of the filtration performance of cloth masks and common fabric materials against 20-1000 nm size particles

Cloth masks and other fabric materials tested in the study had 40-90 percent instantaneous penetration levels against polydisperse NaCl aerosols.

Results obtained in the study show that common fabric materials may provide marginal protection against nanoparticles, including those in the size ranges of virus-containing particles in exhaled breath

Study article: Lifesite

Q: WHY do the Jesuits insist on playing this game of Fearmongering to the Extreme among their Flock?
Q: WHERE does Scripture say it is a sin not to take a vaccine that you MIGHT have Legitimate concerns about?

"According to an article published Wednesday in the Jesuit-run America Magazine, those who discern against taking an abortion-tainted COVID-19 vaccine are committing “the ultimate sin of omission” by their refusal.
Entitled “Refusing the Covid vaccine is the ultimate sin of omission for Catholics today” and authored by Father Terrence Klein, the article takes aim at Catholics who allegedly “put their focus on protecting liberty rather than life” in their decision to forego vaccines developed, derived, or tested using aborted fetal cell lines.

Klein posited that the currently available shots against the novel coronavirus not only “pose no greater threat to health than other medical prescriptions or procedures,” but that also “they clearly save lives.” Both assertions have been the subject of much scrutiny, however, and mounting evidence has come to light which undermines Klein’s conclusions.

For instance, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the United States continues to rack up injury reports in the days and weeks following injection with COVID jabs. The total number of adverse events recorded on the system now stands at 623,343 as of August 20. Over 55,000 of those led to hospitalization and 13,627 injuries resulted in death.

In fact, despite Klein’s assertion of lives being saved by vaccinating, Dr. Peter McCullough, M.D., a renowned medical expert and member of the Truth for Health Foundation, said that “there is no product in human history that has ever created such a swathe of injuries to the public” as the COVID shots.

Of the numerous injuries reported following injection with the shots, McCullough noted that many of them “fall into very serious categories …. Over 12,000 certified deaths by the CDC, over 200,000 composite deaths, hospitalizations, urgent care visits, and office visits. A staggering number of myocardial infarctions, strokes, and over 4,000 cases of myocarditis, a heart inflammation in young individuals. Permanent damage to the neurologic systems, hematologic systems, immunologic systems.” Lifesite

Art thou in health, my brother? 2 Samuel 20:9