Monday, August 23, 2021

IN the NEWS - Yeah, like your really surprised Francis.....

 But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:3

"Pope Francis accepted the resignation of a Brazilian bishop

Wednesday after video showed the bishop apparently engaged in sexual misconduct. The resignation came after the bishop had been investigated twice previously for allegations of misconduct.

An announcement in the August 18 Vatican news bulletin said that Pope Francis had accepted the resignation of Bishop Tomé Ferreira da Silva of the Diocese of São José do Rio Preto, and appointed the local metropolitan Archbishop Moacir Silva of Ribeirão Preto to serve as temporary administrator of the diocese.

Ferreira offered his resignation to the pope on Saturday, after local media reported Friday on a video which appeared to show the bishop exposing himself during a video call with another man.....during which the bishop is allegedly engaged in an act of self-gratification

 In 2015, Ferreira was accused of having an affair with a young man working as his driver, and of ignoring credible accusations of abuse of minors against local priests. The bishop was also accused of financial mismanagement of the diocese. 

In 2018, the bishop was investigated again, this time following allegations that he failed to act after being given information about the sexual abuse of minors by local priests.

That investigation was triggered by the 2017 arrest of a local priest who was found in possession of child pornography on his mobile phone, as well as cards listing the personal data of local minors. The priest was arrested after a complaint by the mother of a 17 year old boy, who was concerned about her son’s frequent stays at the priest’s residence." Pillar