Monday, August 23, 2021

HEALTH NOTE: 47 Mask Study Series- #29

I wish above all things that thou mayest... be in health... 
 3 John 1:2
29. Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks against influenza: A systematic review and meta- analysis

Use of n95 respirators compared to surgical masks is not associated with a lower risk of laboratory confirmed influenza.

Study article: Lifesite

Q: WHY are people leaving these Politicians in Power who are denying their right to free speech in the public arena?
Q: How might this abuse of power via fearmongering be used in the end of time events by governments? Groundwork is being laid by the Prince of Persia.
BTW---Remember we were told in western democracies last year
that BLM, Antifa and other Left wing and Marxist groups could rally and protest outside because the Virus doesn't really spread easily out of doors (which appears to be the case)---BUT---outdoor protests of COVID measures are Banned in the name of public health? ...someone is being LIED to and PICKED on by their government leaders.
"Heated protests erupted in Sydney and Melbourne as massive crowds took to the streets to decry ongoing lockdown measures,
seeing clashes with Australian police, who responded with pepper spray, roadblocks and a string of arrests.
Ahead of the marches, police declared a zero-tolerance policy for any protest in Sydney, with the New South Wales deputy police commissioner Mal Lanyon saying some 1,400 officers would be deployed for that purpose.
In addition to the large police deployment, authorities also ordered rideshare services not to carry passengers into Sydney’s Central Business District, while trains will not make stops at some stations across the city, according to local reports. Police roadblocks were also seen in Sydney, an effort to close off major streets to protest marches." NW
They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily. Psalm73:8