Tuesday, August 10, 2021

IN the NEWS - Hunting Down Christians in the Streets of America (Literally)

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. John 15:18 
Q: What do you think the Biden Administration and Media would react if this had happened exactly the same way to an Islamic or LGBT event? 

"If you wondered what it looked like when Nazi brown shirts went after the churches in Germany, wonder no more: It probably looked like Portland on Saturday, when black bloc-outfitted antifa thugs

burst into a waterfront prayer event...The antifa members sprayed those gathered, including toddlers, with chemicals and lobbed IEDs.....Numerous videos out of Portland show chaos on the streets after Antifa members armed with projectiles tried to hunt down attendees of an Evangelical Christian music event.  Portland: A large crowd of Christian worshipers gather to sing the day after antifa violently attacked a small family worship event in the same location.

 Where is your God, now?” taunted one of the attackers.

Go hit that car! Hit that car!” one individual shouts as the mob chase down the Christians. Chunks of concrete were also thrown. Antifa also threw fireworks at the Christian attendees.

Antifa members organized their violent attack via Twitter and other social media platforms. They later gloated on Twitter that they had stolen the Christian group’s food and water.

Portland police watched as antifa bear-sprayed parents and their kids, lobbed “flash bombs” into the sparse crowd, and reportedly threw the group’s sound equipment into the Willamette River. This being Portland, police didn’t arrest antifa members for polluting the river, much less attacking people.

Portland’s police bureau has been defunded by at least $15 million and there’s been a mass exodus of officers retiring or going to places where the rule of law is observed." PJMedia