Tuesday, August 10, 2021

IN the NEWS - At the Altar of LGBT: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Elections have consequences:
It has begun....now many businesses will be forced to hire LGBT.
And Race Based Quota's and Gender Quota's are being forced on business via government.
The Erosion of Freedoms continue.
No longer looking for the best and brightest--now looking for what you look like OR who you choose to jump in bed with.
As this Creeping Cultural Marxism continues to Slither across the Fruited Plains of America one can only guess how this all ends.

 "All companies that trade on the Nasdaq will now have to meet race and LGBT diversity quotas.
 The nation’s financial markets regulator has approved a plan by Nasdaq to implement that all companies trading on its exchange meet diversity quotas.
The Nasdaq Stock Market first submitted its proposed rule change to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in December. It will affect roughly 3,000 companies.

Now approved, the proposal will require listed companies “to have at least one director who self identifies as a female” and “at least one director who self–identifies as Black or African American, Hispanic or Latinx, Asian, Native American or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, two or more races or ethnicities, or as LGBTQ+.”

Companies must turn over data on the racial, gender, and sexual identifications of board members. The new rule requires the companies to “provide statistical information in a proposed uniform format on the company’s board of directors related to a director’s self-identified gender, race, and self-identification as LGBTQ+.”...SEC has become a “laboratory for progressive social engineering.” Lifesite