Thursday, July 1, 2021

SDA Issues - Mz. Johsnston's book makes for giddy liberals

 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet (suitable) for him … he made a woman, and brought her unto the man. 
Genesis 2:18, 22
"Alicia Johnston is a former pastor from the Arizona Conference of
Seventh-day Adventists. She resigned from the ministry after coming out as a member of the LGBT+ community.  She has now published a new book called “The Bible & LGBTQ Adventists” which, according to her, “challenges the prevailing SDA beliefs.Alicia Johnston calls for “full affirmation of same-sex marriage and transgender identity.” She says that it is NOT “biblical to oppose same-sex marriage or transgender identity” and that Seventh-day Adventists have “gotten this question completely wrong.” 

What is most concerning about this is that this new LGBT+ affirming theology book has the support of former and current pastors and church administrators. There is a section on Alicia Johnston’s page that lists current Adventist ministers who “endorse” her book. The following names are listed on the fundraising page for the new book “The Bible & LGBTQ Adventists” as those who endorse her views:

  • Reinder Bruinsma, retired Adventist pastor and administrator in the Netherlands, scholar, and author
  • John McClarty, Adventist Pastor at Green Lake Church
  • Chris Blake, Pastor, San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay Seventh-day Adventist Churches
  • Stephen Chavez, Adventist pastor and long-time Assistant Editor for Adventist Review and Adventist World
Then we have Pastor Kevin McGill who is the pastor of the Troy Seventh-day Adventist Church in Troy, ID. In a Tweet, Pastor Kevin is not only promoting Alicia Johnston’s book, but he is also directing people to Alicia Johnston’s fundraising page.
Spectrum Magazine celebrated this new book last week in honor of Pride month. Of course they did.
Liberal adventism (notice the lower case) has made up it’s mind. It likes homosexuality.
Not necessarily the act(s) of homosexuality, but they like rebellion and the unholy excitement that it brings to their dry, lukewarm lives.
They like the way that it shakes people’s confidence in the Bible as the Word and will of God Almighty. This allows them to recommend culture as a trustworthy canon. 
Dear liberal adventism. Don’t be fascinated by axiological sexual rebellion. Be astounded that you were ever drawn to it." AdventMessenger/Fulcrum7